ハムハムイングリッシュ原文 2024年8月4日放送 Part2

The ARRL Letter for July 25, 2024より一部抜粋

2. ARRL Board Completes 2024 Second Meeting, Approves Report to Advance a 3-Year Strategy

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, gaveled in the 2024 Second Meeting of the ARRL Board of Directors on Friday, July 19, in Windsor, Connecticut.


The Board unanimously accepted a report establishing a 3-year strategy for ARRL, and recognized the efforts of the Strategy Working Group. They authorized CEO David A. Minster, NA2AA, to proceed with further planning.

The report included a revised mission statement: ARRL’s mission is to promote and protect the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio, and to develop the next generation of radio amateurs.


The Board requested that the President appoint a study group to review the current structure of ARRL governance and the Field Organization and suggest changes that would improve the organization and better support the membership.
The Board requested that the President establish an ad hoc committee to review the ARRL Director’s Workbook and establish an annual review process to keep the document up to date with Board practice and procedure.
The Board approved expanding the policy for recording roll call votes to being required for any pending motions pertaining to ARRL governance documents.